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WATCH ALL OF (okay a lot of) the 2024 Storm Chaser Highlight Vids

2024 was an exceptionally active year for tornadoes across the U.S. with numerous high-profile outbreaks occurring across Tornado Alley throughout the year. As such, there's been no shortage of incredible tornado video to consume this winter as storm chasers release their 2024 highlight videos.

Storm chasers all add their own flavor to their videos through their chasing and videography styles to the different lengths and styles of editing. Quality cameras and video editing software has never been more accessible and we're in a new golden age for tornado and storm chasing video. For me, when we're in the dead of winter there's nothing better on a cold weekend than throwing on a fellow storm chaser's highlight video to relive storm seasons of the past.

To make it easy to find these videos when the time comes, I decided to compile a list of all of the 2024 storm chasing highlight videos I've seen released on YouTube.

A few things!

The list is in no particular order, completely random as I add them.

If you want your video included, shoot me an email at and I'll add it!

If your video is included and you want it removed, shoot me an email at and I'll remove it!

That said, enjoy the flicks!

YouTube Playlist:

All videos included in the playlist:

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